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Concentrated deodorinzing detergent

7 good reason for use O GELNET

  1. O GELNET is a bio-cleaning gel containing bacteria and enzymes.
  2. GEL CONTACT CLEANER: Thixotropic gel, adheres vertical, sloping or irregular surfaces.
  3. BIODEGRADER: Enables the bio-degradation of organic smelly waste, thereby preventing the proliferation of flies in waste containers.
  4. LONG-LASTING FRAGRANCE: its freh odour neutralises bad smells from the collection and treatment of waste.
  5. Economical: preventive and remedial.
  6. Not classified as hazardous for the environment and users, no biocidal substances.
  7. verified readily biodegradable in conformity with the OECD 301 F standard.



For the cleaning of waste disposal chutes, bins and bin storage areas, tanks and waste storage equipment, waste containers, refuse trucks, sorting areas and refuse dumps.

For eliminating bad smells during exhumations or the opening of burial vaults.

For use in: public buildings, kitchens, canteens, restaurants, crèches, hospitals, campsites, rendering plants….

Street cleaning for the elimination of unpleasant odours, market areas, etc….



Profession :

Range :

Action : For cleaning floors, For treating odours

Perfume or colour : Fragrance: Flowery and woody

See also


Alkaline drain clearer