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Degreasing solvent with quick evaporation

7 Good reasons for using CLEANHYDROL VG

  1. CLEANHYDROL VG is a solvent of plant origin which dries quickly, for surface degreasing. Can be used for cold degreasing.
  2. With its low superficial surface tension and its high IKB power (>250), it dissolves fats, mineral oil, vegetable oil, waxes, resins, inks, rubber dusts quickly.
  3. With its neutral pH, CLEANHYDROL VG is safe for users and does not attack metals and the alloys.
  4. Self-drying : Does not leave of residue on the treated surfaces.
  5. Fluoride and/or chlorinated solvents free such as trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, HCFC 141b, chlorinate of methyl alcohol, ether of ethylene glycol, oil or brominated solvent…
  6. Economical: ready to use.
  7. Complies with the legislation on cleaning products for equipment that may come into contact with foodstuffs (Decree of 08/09/1999 and its amendments).




CLEANHYDROL VG cleans door handles, grab bars and grab bars for public transit, electronic locks, telephone and computer keyboards, ATM keyboards, beverage vending machines, sports equipment (Ski boots, helmets ...on loan or rental)... , and generally, anything that comes into contact with hands or skin.

CLEANHYDROLVG  is used for cleaning and rapid degreasing of steel, aluminium, copper, some plastic surfaces... without leaving any marks. It facilitates on-the-spot jobs such as gluing, painting, cutting, polishing or short-term maintenance on machines, printing presses , mechanisms,....

CLEANHYDROL VG removes ink from fabric.





Profession :

Range :

Action : For degreasing

Vegetable-based, environmentally friendly